Friday 20 January 2012

Album Cover Copies

Over the last few lessons we have been continuing to improve our front album cover. Here are some of the alternative album cover choices which we chose not to use for our final piece as well as our general progress:

This was the first album cover design we created. Although we really like this album cover & considered submitting it for our final piece, we decided we wanted identical costume, hair & makeup for the front & back cover. As we did not have a suitable picture for the back cover to match the front, & this picture matched a shot in our music video, we decided not to use it & to continue creating a different album cover. 
This is the first draft of our new album cover design. Clearly, this was a working progress as the date had not been cloned out yet & the picture had not been colour corrected. We chose to use this font & colour as it represents femininity due to the hearts & the colour pink.

This is an extension of the previous draft. We added a pale blue gradient, as well as some stamps to make it appeal to our target audience. 

 This is the most recent draft of our album cover. We still need to make adjustments, e.g. add the album name 'The Show', as well as take out the date & colour correct the photo. We also moved the gradient to the top of the page to look like sky. We are happy with the overall layout & will continue to make improvements.

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