Friday 10 February 2012

Stop Motion - Progress

Today I have imported these photos onto the computer and opened into Adobe Photoshop.
Although I had a white background, it wasn't a clean/pure white that I wanted. As the colours of the flower were strong compared to the background I was able to use the magic wand tool to select all parts of the flower in each image and layer via cut. This meant the the flower was then on a separate layer to the background. I then deleted the background layer and made the background of the flower white. This made it look a lot more professional and made the flower stand out even more. As I took the pictures as landscape i had to rotate them so the flower was the right way. I cropped it down a bit to ensure there wasn't any excess area at the top. I repeated all of these steps on each photo.

Once I was happy with each photo I imported them into Final Cut Express and put them where we wanted them to go, we used markers to ensure that the images was in time with the music. The only problem was that as the images were portrait there was blocks of black either side of the image. I thought this looked very unprofessional so I put a colour matte of white behind all of the images so the flower was in the centre of a white background.

I was very pleased with the overall result.

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