Wednesday 1 February 2012

Magazine Advert Progress

As you can see from our last draft, we have now added a image of the finished album. We did this to make possible consumers aware of what to look for if they wanted to buy the album. We also added the logos of the companies currently stocking the album.

Here, we have conformed to typical magazine adverts as we have added quotes from music magazines & newspapers. We have also added a four star rating, these are typically seen on adverts. We decided to have different colours for the quote & magazine name as it made the quote stand out more & would be more eye catching to viewers.

This is our final magazine advert. We made small finishing touches such as Lenka's website & Sony's logo, which are often typical characteristics on magazine adverts. We moved the positioning of 'includes hit single - everything's okay' as we thought it made it stand out more & was quite an important piece of information. The final thing we added was 'OUT NOW!', this is important as viewers need to know when the album is available for purchase.

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