Monday 30 April 2012

Maisie Linnane - Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, constructing and evaluation stages?

During the research stage the Internet was the most vital tool. We used ‘Google’ to search for things that we needed to know. The most popular websites we visited was ‘You Tube’ and ‘Wikipedia’, although there were many others as well.
Wikipedia was used to find out things like the characteristics of our genre and information on the artist of the song ‘Lenka’. We used ‘You Tube’ to research techniques and to watch other videos of the same/similar genre; this helped us to get ideas for our own music video. All of the information we needed was easy to find we made everything much more simple during this stage.

Throughout all stages of our coursework we used blogger to track our progress on our group blog. (
For everything we done, we wrote a post about it. It showed our work from beginning to end. Tasks that we performed together we would add a label for all our names, however if it was something we had done individually we would only add the label of our name to show the reader who was responsible for what parts of the project. We would also use labels to show what our post was about and make it easier to find certain posts, for example, if we were writing about Photoshop, we would add the label ‘Photoshop’, this would mean that we could click on that label and see all posts relating to using Photoshop.

We used Adobe Photoshop to edit our still photos. These included all the images used in the video for stop motion, and the images used for the digipak and magazine advert. We used this program to perform a variety of tasks such as, removing the date from images, cutting parts of the image out to put on a different background (mostly just a plain white background for a cleaner more professional appearance.) Problems we faced when using Photoshop were that it would sometimes take a long time to edit just a small amount of an image, for example when we were cutting the date out of an image, we may do a small bit but it would not look good so we would have to start again. I done the majority or the editing within Photoshop, by spending a lot of time of Photoshop I was able to perform tasks quicker.

We used Final Cut Express to edit our music video. I have used this before which made the whole thing much easier as we already had good knowledge of the program. We managed to get through the whole production with very few problems within the program. Also, we had very little knowledge of lip-syncing, we had performed a short preliminary task to practice lip-syncing in Final Cut before starting the task, which did help us. As expected, after using the program for a while we got much better at lining up the lip-syncing with the music and I was very happy with out results. We would have liked to be able to perform more complex edits and use more professional filters, however as the software we had was only the express version it did not allow us to show our ideas and skills to the fullest and I would have much preferred to work on a full version of editing software, for example, Final Cut Pro. I still believe that we worked very well with what we had and produced a video of a high standard.

We used my dad’s camera, which was a Nikon P300. I was extremely pleased with the results. We used this alongside a standard tripod. The quality of the video and images were very good. This defiantly had a big contribution to the overall outcome of our work. Many of our shots were using the tripod, however we varied this with handheld shots. We also varied the angles to help portray the story of the song. The camera worked well under all circumstances, for example the inside shots, outside shots, close up and long shots. The only problems we had were that we ran out of battery on most of our filming, however it was towards the end of the day. This was because we tried to take a lot more footage than we would actually need to ensure we could produce the highest quality video, we did not want to miss anything that could have benefited our work. As the majority of our filming was done in a park, this meant that the battery for the camera could not be recharged, as we had no energy source. In hindsight, I would have ensured we had a spare battery or set up a way to recharge the camera (by having a car charger etc.) Although it was a problem we made sure it did not affect our filming, we planned extra time to film incase any problems were to occur, this meant we had plenty of time, so we managed to get all the footage we needed. Another problem we faced was the amount of memory space, we had plenty of memory cards, however they each contained limited space, this meant we had to constantly swap memory cards around, this wasted time and could be organised much better in the future.

Check my multimedia evaluation website!!! 

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