Wednesday 28 March 2012

Georgia Surridge Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We created a demographic of our target audience which included her name, gender, age, television, magazine & music preferences, hobbies, favourite films, bands & shops; as well as a photograph of what she would look like. Here she is:

This is Alice; she is 19 years old & lives in Brentwood. 
She enjoys watching TV channels such as E4 & Sky Living. In relation to music channels, she watches Viva, 4music, Mtv, The Box & Smash Hits. Her favourite genre of music is Pop/Indie & Indie/Rock.

She typically reads fashion magazines, for example, Vogue, Elle and Look, she also has a Rolling Stones monthly subscription from the US as she is extremely passionate about music. She also reads the film magazine, Empire.

Alice pursues lots of hobbies when she is not studying, for instance, spending time with friends & listening to music on her iPod or on radio stations, XFM, Capital FM & Radio 1. She also likes playing guitar, writing songs, horse riding, jogging & going to festivals such as Virgin Festival & Reading Festival.

Her two favorite films are Juno & Twilight. Ellie Goulding is her best-loved artist & You Me At Six are her favored band.

Shopping centers Alice goes to consist of Lakeside, Bluewater, Westfields & the West End. Her most commonly visited shops are Topshop, Urban Outfitters, River Island, Selfridges, All Saints & New Look, there are also many boutiques and vintage shops in London that she buys lots of her clothes from.

Once we had established our target demographic, this allowed us to carry out research into what their music video preferences were. As Ellie Goulding is a favored artist, we looked at her videos & picked up on key elements, which are targeted at our audience. Such things found were a naturalistic vibe, as well as simple elements, which made the videos effective. They were often conceptual or narratively based. The music video that most inspired me was, ‘Your Song’ – Ellie Goulding. This would be the most similar music video to ours in terms of the themes, mise en scene & locations. We feel this music video also targets the same audience as us, which is why it was so helpful in allowing us to distinguish our audience & helped give ideas for our own music video.

Therefore, elements we used in our video to target our key audience were specific locations. We decided to do a lot of filming in Valentines Park as there were many interesting & varied locations, which were very natural & beautiful, yet simple. For example, the shot below was filmed on a bridge overlooking a small stream, by capturing it from a low angle, this makes the shot interesting, yet it is very simple.

Another element used in our music video to target our audience was the use of costumes. We deliberately chose to use costumes that our target audience would wear, although we exaggerated them so they stood out in the video. It is very common for music videos to exaggerate looks & styles as it makes them interesting & fun to watch. Therefore, we conformed to this common feature of videos, which allowed our music video to be more realistic. Here is an example of a costume we used in our video, that has been exaggerated, which was used to target our key demographic:

As you can see, we exaggerated it by purposely giving her shorts & a cropped top, which contradicts the fact that she is using an umbrella. This makes our character seem slightly strange & quirky, which how we wanted to portray her.

The final element we used to target our audience was the theme of love & freedom. We believed that these things would interest our audience & encourage them to continue watching the video.

I believe that all these elements together make our music video effectively target our audience, however I feel our video is not completely niche, people other than our key demographic will be interested in our video & will enjoy it.

Our audience is asked to put themselves in the position of our main character. The character is often having fun & enjoying herself, which encourages our audience to do so too. Also, she often dressed quite strangely & doing abstract things such as dancing barefoot on a bench, which is shown in the image below:

This shows that our main actor can be seen as a role model as she does not fit the social norms, therefore our audience do not need to try & fit in, and they can embrace who they are. I believe this is a strong, positive message to give our audience allows our audience to feel at ease with the person they are.

We used specific camera techniques to appeal to our audience & allow them to feel certain emotions. For example, we used a high angle shot of our actor sitting on the floor as she sang the lyrics ‘It’s bringing me down’, we specifically chose this type of shot as we wanted our audience to feel empathy for our character.

Once we had completed drafts of our products, we gained audience feedback. This is the feedback we gained from peers after showing them our first rough cut:
    • The first shot was good as it looked simple and pure
    • The lighting in all of our shots were very good
    • They don't like the angle looking down on her as they think it looks as though she is below the viewer.
    • They think that we have understood the idea of the music well
    • They like the settings and think they match the genre of our song
    • They think that it fits all the codes and conventions of the artist
  •   Some lip syncing was off but mostly really good with split screen
  •   Good effects, enjoyed it
  •   Less of the squirrel shot
  •  Stop motion was really good
  •  Really liked the stop motion & the split screen. The locations were good & fitted well with the song
  •  Favourite part was the 'I Want My Money Back' bit (split screens)
  •  Do more relating visuals to lyrics
  •  Really good ideas, loved the beginning shot
  •  Fantastic, have managed to capture a constant atmosphere so far through the film & cover, keep it up with rest of the editing
  •  Excellent camera work, covers need developing & advert magazine needed, play with fonts.
    After we gained this feedback, we worked upon the areas that recieved more negative feedback & tried to fix them so our video would be more appealing to an audience.

    This is feedback we then gained from our second rough cut:

  • stop motion with bench and heart post-it notes are done well  

  • the different locations and costumes show how much work has gone into it

  • although the split screen isnt perfect they thought it looked very good

  • it makes them want to watch the full completed version

  • lip syncing was of a high standard

  • lighting is very good and natural looking

  • some shots were too long, of performer just singing.

  • This was the final piece of feedback we were given before we completed our music video.

    We then showed our peers our final music video. Overall comments we were given were that the video is of s high standard & is very realistic & professional. The lip syncing is in time well & the stop motion is very effective & precise. Several people also said their favourite shot was the four split screens at the end. To conclude, our audience feedback helped us during the production of our music video as it allowed us to hear an outside view of things that could be improved upon. By making changes to appeal to our audience, in the end, our  music video recieved very positive feedback & comments.

    During the production of our digipak & magazine advert, we also gathered audience feedback which helped us to create high quality media products. The audience feedback for our digipak often had similar comments. These included:
    • Like the purple colour scheme, goes well with music video style
    • The front cover photograph with her blowing our her name is a good idea
    • Like how the style is cohesive throughout
    • Need to edit picture colours

    Here is the audience feedback we recieved for our magazine advert:
    • Really like the font & how it is cohesive throughout the digipak & magazine advert
    • Like the black & white pictures of the artist against the pink & grey colour scheme
    • Looks very realistic
    • Need to add a star rating
    After recieving this feedback, we went on to complete our magazine advert & dikipak. The final comments on our finished pieces were:
    • Looks like real album artwork & magazine adverts
    • Like the colour scheme & style which has been used throughout
    • Good choice of photographs of the artist
    • Would be interested in watching the music video after seeing the dikipak & magazine cover

    This positive feedback leads us to believe that we have created realistic final products which target our audience successfully. We used elements which make our products technically similar to real products such as barcodes & star ratings & we kept our genre clear & cohesive throughout.

    We believe our music video would be promoted by a major record label as our genre is pop, & is therefore listened to by a large segment of people. We can target many different audiences & we believe it would be popular with different age groups ranging from young children to adults.


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